I’m currently working on a front-end project that uses both React JS and Angular JS. Yes, that sounds a bit crazy but the project is evolving from Angular to React, and this is the difficult transition phase.
We are using $ngRedux
to manage our Redux application state, which presented an issue to me today when I created a new React component in this AngularJS dominated codebase.
We use react2angular (full disclosure, I am a contributor) to embed React components in AngularJS. One of the interesting parts about this is dealing with Angular’s dependency injections. $ngRedux
is served to components as a dependency and injected at runtime. We can access it with react2angular
like so:
import angular from 'angular';
import { react2angular } from 'react2angular';
import MyReactComponent from './MyReactComponent';
export const MyReactComponentModule = angular
.module('my-project.components.myReactComponent', [])
.component('myReactComponent', react2angular(MyReactComponent, [], ['$translate', '$ngRedux']))
We can discuss $translate
another day.
So my React component uses Redux, and thus I use the very useful connect()
function to transform some useful stuff from the store to my component, like actions and props.
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(MyReactComponent);
The problem
Here’s what happened with my code above:
Invariant Violation: Could not find "store" in either the context or props of "Connect(MyReactComponent)". Either wrap the root component in a <Provider>, or explicitly pass "store" as a prop to "Connect(MyReactComponent)".
expects a prop called store
in the component. This prop is the redux store which provides the data and the dispatcher to the component. However, we’re using $ngRedux
via dependency injection.
I searched around the redux codebase, issues, and docs to see if I can change the expected prop name. I was unsuccessful. It doesn’t mean it’s not possible, it’s probably my lack of ability to find it (which you could argue means a lack of concise documentation).
So here’s how I solved it, with a very heavy-handed higher-order component:
// This HOC simply renames $ngRedux to store (because this is used with react2angular)
const mapNgReduxToStore = WrappedComponent => {
const MappedComponent = ({ $ngRedux, ...rest }) => {
return (<WrappedComponent {...rest} store={$ngRedux} />);
MappedComponent.displayName = `WithStore(${WrappedComponent.displayName})`;
MappedComponent.propTypes = {
$ngRedux : PropTypes.object,
return MappedComponent;
export default lodash.flowRight(
connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)
(If you’re new to compose/flowRight, it’s just a simple way to layer HoCs for a component).
There we have it! It feels heavy handed, and perhaps I should try and raise an issue with react-redux
to allow a prop name change. But this gets the job done and I hope it serves someone well.